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Adding a Facebook Pixel to a Showit Website


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A brief tutorial for adding the Facebook tracking pixel to your Showit website.

This video demonstrates how to add the Facebook tracking pixel to your Showit website and test that it’s working. This video assumes that you’ve already created a Facebook Business Manager account. If you haven’t, follow the written directions below the video.
We also add notes under the video in case of any small updates that don’t require a new video. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions, or if we need to make an update to the video. You can also find a video transcript underneath the video.

How to sign-up for a Facebook Business Manager Account

  1. Go to (you’ll need to have a personal Facebook account).
  2. Follow the prompts for adding your business.
  3. Select Business Settings from the navigation.
  4. Under Accounts, add your Facebook Page and Ad Account.
  5. Under Data Sources, add your Facebook pixel to your Ad Account.

You might notice that completing these tasks are a little more involved than the directions above. We opted not to create a video for this step because 1) FB Business Manager is updated relatively frequently, and 2) everyone’s set-up will be a little different.
Minimally to get started, you’ll want to make sure your FB Page, Ad Account, and Pixel are set-up within your Business Manager Account.
We’ll do our best to answer any questions in the comments below.

How to Add the Facebook Pixel to a Showit Website

  1. Login to your Facebook Business Manager Account.
  2. If you haven’t created a Facebook Pixel, go to the navigation > All Tools > Events Manager > Pixels > Add Data Source.
  3. If you have created a pixel, go to the navigation > All Tools > Events Manager > Pixels and select Set-Up.
  4. Select Manually Install the Code Yourself, and copy the code to your clipboard.
  5. Open the Showit app, and select the page you want to add the Pixel.
  6. Find Custom Head HTML under Advanced Settings. Paste the code into the Custom Head HTML box on every page you want to add the pixel.
  7. Publish the changes to your Showit website.
  8. Go back to Facebook and select Send Test Traffic to your website to test that it’s set-up properly.

Be sure to watch the video for clarification. If you have any questions or think we need to update the video, let us know in the comments below.
Video Transcript:
Davey here with Davey & Krista where we help creative businesses build brands that book. Today in this video I’m going to walk you through setting up the Facebook pixel on your Showit website. I’m here in the Showit app. I’m on Bondi Beach, which is one of the templates that we have available in The Palm Shop over at But to set up the Facebook pixel, you’ll first need to create a pixel inside your Facebook Business Manager. And to create a Facebook Business Manager Account, you’re going to want to go to, and you want to follow the prompts to set up your Facebook business Manager Account. Once it’s set up, you’ll use this hamburger menu over here to navigate over to the Events Manager and then Pixels and all you’ll have to do is hit a button that says add new pixel. And when you do that, you’ll eventually get to these setup instructions.
So all we’re going to do is we’re going to select manually install the code yourself. And once we get here, we’re going to locate the header code for our website. So to add a code to the header of your website, you’re going to find the page that you want to add to code. And you’re going to come over here to Custom Head HTML. So we’ve located that section. We’re going to ignore this, all right. You can see this is just an example of where you insert the Pixel Code. And we’re going to copy the entire Pixel code to our clipboard. Come back to our Showit website, find Custom Head HTML under Advanced Settings, paste it in there and it will save.
And once this is saved, we’ll actually repeat this for every page that we want the Pixel on, most likely, this will be every one of the pages on your website. It doesn’t hurt to have it on every one of the pages on your website, and all you’ll do is follow these same instructions, paste that same code into these other pages on your website. And what you’re going to want to do is you’re gonna want to publish your website and then come back here and send test traffic to your pixel just to make sure that it’s working. Now, I’m not going to do this step for this tutorial here because this is just a test template that, like I said, is available in The Palm Shop. So I’m not going to test it out. I’m just going to trust I’ve done this before so I know it should work. But make sure that before you send test traffic that you actually publish your changes to your Showit website.
So on this next screen here, once you hit continue, there’s also sort of advanced stuff that you can do with Facebook pixel tracking events on your website. I would recommend if you’re just getting started, you know, take it slow, hit done. We set up a lot of the stuff that we want to track using Custom Conversions, which I think is going to be a whole other tutorial. But basically just to get the Facebook pixel up and running on your site and starting to collect data, that’s what you’re going to want to do. If you have any questions, especially around setting up the Business Manager in Facebook, go ahead and drop those questions in the comments for this video and we’ll be sure to get back to you. And as always, if you want to request that a tutorial be made, all you have to do is go to and fill out the form to request that a tutorial be made. If you liked this video and want to stay up to date with the rest of the videos that we create on our YouTube page or on our website, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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  1. kelli says:

    What would i do without you guys?!! Thank you for the info, it was very helpful.

  2. Kahlin says:

    Thank you for this! also- how do you make a video like this, video in video so you can show yourself while showing your screen?

  3. Colleen says:

    Hi there! Question about the custom head html box — I already have code in there for my pop up newsletter signup… can I add 2 codes in the same box? Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. Lucie says:

    Hi, thank you for this article. 🙂 I found that facebook pixel slows down page load time. Do you know some solution how to fix it? Thank you.

  5. Emily says:

    Thank you for this info – when I add it to the custom head html the pixel visibly shows up on the site which seems odd, has this info been updated in 2022 is there another way to do it?

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    Meet Davey & Krista

    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

    We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

    We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

    we're Davey & Krista 



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