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Capturing Leads using an Online Quiz

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How to Build a Quiz using Interact

How to generate lots of qualified leads quickly using an online quiz tool like Interact.

Are you tired of seeing just a few people here and there join your email list or request more information after spending hours creating and designing a traditional lead magnet?
Try creating an online quiz for your business.
It’s easy-to-do, requires less set-up time than a traditional lead magnet, and often leads to much better results.

Reasons to Consider using a Quiz for Lead Generation

There’s good reason that more and more businesses are using quizzes for lead generation. Quizzes have the potential to generate leads quickly because they’re…

  • Interactive and fun.
  • Personalized.
  • Easy to create.

Ebooks, guides, and and other lead magnets often require a considerable time commitment to read on the part of the person downloading (and even if the lead is interested in an ebook, does anyone ever have fun reading one?).
Quizzes feel like less of a time commitment because they’re interactive, often just a few questions long, and spit out information that’s specific to that lead.
They’re also much easier to personalize than a typical lead magnet. It would take a considerable amount of work in order to achieve the same segmentation a quiz can provide with a traditional lead magnet.
With an online quiz, you can segment people based on the answers they give you in real time. Not only does the lead walk away with information specific to them, you’ll have access to valuable answers that will help you continue to nurture that lead.
Lead magnets such as guides and ebooks often take me hours to create between creating the content, designing a layout, and revisions. Quizzes, on the other hands, take less than hour from start to finish.
(I can’t speak to every quiz making solution out there, but Interact is incredibly easy to use and they have prompts and resources to walk you through creating your first quiz.)

How to Determine the Theme of Your Quiz

Figuring out what your quiz should be about is easier than you think. You’ll want to keep two guiding questions in mind:

  • What questions do I need answers to effectively nurture that lead?

You’ll want to start with the end result in mind to make sure the quiz delivers you the information you need to qualify and nurture the lead.
Are you a wedding planner trying to book more clients? Then you’ll probably want to make sure—minimally—that the people taking your quiz are 1) engaged or planning to get engaged, and 2) just started the wedding planning process.
What’s top of mind for people starting to plan their wedding? That’s a good place to start brainstorming.

  • What questions can I answer for my leads that would offer enough value to motivate them to take the quiz?

Now that you’ve determined what you need, you’ll have to figure out what levers to pull so that people want to complete the quiz.
Think about the last time you took an online quiz. It probably pulled did one of these two things: It gave you a chance to learn something about yourself, or it answered a question (or both).

Give people an opportunity to learn about themselves.

How many different What Disney princess are you? or What Harry Potter character are you? quizzes have you seen gone viral with thousands of shares?
It’s because people to love learn something about themselves—even if it’s silly (maybe especially if it’s silly).
People like learning about themselves, sharing those results with others they know, and comparing results.

It answers a question people are asking.

What questions do people repeatedly ask you about your services at the outset of meeting you?
Keep a list. After just a couple consultations or sales calls, you’ll quickly see that some questions are asked over and over again.
Could people get an answer to that question in a quiz?

How to Create Your First Lead Generation Quiz

1. Determine the theme of the quiz.

Use the guiding questions above to help you determine the theme of the quiz. We created this quiz to help people determine what website platform is best for their business.
We decided on this theme because it’s a question that people often ask us as they start to tackle a website launch or redesign.
It also helps us qualify leads because someone who is taking that quiz is most likely starting to think about launching a website or redesigning their website. Based on their answers, we can also start to determine whether or not they would make a good client.

2. Outline your questions on paper.

Outlining your quiz on paper will help save you time when it comes to the building process. If you have a whiteboard, that’s even better!
This way you’re able to erase, add, and revise as you think through the quiz. When you’re ready to build, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done.

3. Revise—keep it short and don’t ask too many questions.

Generally the more questions you ask, the less likely someone is to complete the quiz.
(The same idea is true of contact forms. Check out this post on creating a contact form that drives inquiries.)
We try to keep our quizzes around 5-7 questions so we don’t lose people’s attention.
It’ll also prevent you from making things too complicated, getting overwhelmed, and giving up on it. You don’t need too many questions to segment leads appropriately.

4. Build the quiz using a tool like Interact.

Interact was built specifically for this purpose. Instead of hacking another tool to make it work, use a tool that was created to do the job.
Interact makes it easy to:

  • Build the quiz.
  • Design it so it matches your brand.
  • Integrate with other tools like your email list.
  • Share it on your website and across your social media channels.
  • Analyze and understand the results.

Create an online quiz using Interact | Davey & Krista

5. Share about it on your website and on social media.

Be sure to share your quiz on social media and put it somewhere prominent on your website. The more people you get to take it, the more likely it is they’ll share it with others.
One of my favorite hacks to get visibility for a blog post, giveaway, or quiz is using the search function in Facebook groups that I’m in.
Simply go to a relevant Facebook group and search keywords around the quiz you’ve just developed. For example, I might search keywords like “website platform.”
If I find a thread that my quiz would add value to, I share it.

How to Embed Your Quiz in your Showit or WordPress website

Once you’ve built your quiz, you’ll want to embed it on your website. Fortunately that’s really easy to do.

Want to build an online quiz for your own business? Try Interact for free.

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    Meet Davey & Krista

    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

    We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

    We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.



    Over a decade of design experience has helped us craft the perfect questionnaire to kick off the design process in a way that makes clients feel understood and valued.


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