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BTB Episode 68: Founders’ Series: Korie Herold, The Weekend Type

Brands that Book Show

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Korie Herold, The Weekend Type

“I took myself to Barnes and Noble, looked at some books and still didn’t see anything out there that I liked. I finally found a book that I liked the binding on. I opened it up and on the copyright page there was an email. I emailed them and they wrote me back and they were like, “Hey, yeah we would love to chat with you!” I was like “Okay cool!” and I thought that was how it went. I didn’t know anything that I know how about publishing.”

Today’s episode features author, artist, and founder of The Weekend Type, Korie Herold. Korie recently released her third book, “Our Christmas Story”, a book designed for families to record their Christmas traditions, memories, photos, and even things like recipes to preserve for future generations. A very timely episode with Thanksgiving tomorrow.

As I mentioned, she’s actually the author of two other books as well: “As You Grow” and “As We Grow”. And has another being released next year. In today’s episode, we chat about her journey in becoming an author, the steps she’s taken to market her books, and discuss her latest endeavor, The Weekend Type, which is both a community for artists and marketplace where one can purchase art for their home.

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  • 2:42 – Who is Korie and what she does
  • 6:03 – How her degree led her to where she is
  • 7:39 – Shifting gears so what’s next?
  • 10:21 – Her time as a wedding photographer
  • 11:30 – Calligraphy, the next venture
  • 13:54 – Another baby, another shift
  • 18:24 – How Korie found a publisher
  • 19:48 – Social media and how it helped in this journey
  • 21:40 – Her pitch
  • 23:30 – Marketing: what she did, how she did it, and what she recommends to stand out
  • 30:06 – “Our Christmas Story” Book
  • 33:37 – Things Korie has learned along the way with publishing her books
  • 36:22 – How she promotes her books
  • 38:10 – Her four books and who they are for
  • 41:32 – The Weekend Type: what it is and how it came to be


More about Korie Herold:

My skill set comes from a blend of studies at Abilene Christian University (both in graphic design and interior design), going to workshops from skilled artists I admire, asking questions, as well as simple trial and error in my own studio. I will forever be a student of the arts, and that alone keeps my curiosity for trying new things piqued! I was a professional wedding photographer from 2009-2016, and changed gears after having my second son in 2016. I became a calligrapher in 2013, held classes in Houston, and started The Weekend Type to house my creative journey. Four years into that journey is when I got my first book deal, back in 2017. One book led to 2, which led to 3, and now I’m currently contracted to complete 6. Somewhere along the way of making books and the artwork that is inside them, I felt this yearning to explore my role as an artist. I never associated myself with that title up until that point. Funny, isn’t it? Everything I’ve done creatively in the past has led up to where I am now, and what The Weekend Type is. I recently took a big risk with my business, broke all the rules, kept the name I started years ago, and expanded it into the artist community I craved myself. We offer prints from various artists and photographers, resources, and is a place to encourage people of all ages to get involved in the arts. There’s a lot in the pipes for The Weekend Type and we are just scratching the surface. It’s exciting!

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Founders' Series: Korie Herold, The Weekend Type | Brands that Book podcast | Davey and Krista

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    Meet Davey & Krista

    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

    We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

    We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

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