I’m excited about today’s episode with artist Valerie McKeehan. We’re diving into overcoming discouragement. I used to think discouragement was something only new business owners faced but, I can very specifically say, that after 14 years of business owner life, it’s not just for the newbies.

It’s something that Davey and I have battled at various points in our careers and I don’t think that we can really do anything to fully escape it. We can learn ways to manage doubts and fears.
That’s why I’m so excited about this episode with Valerie. I recently listened to an episode of Valerie’s on her own podcast all about overcoming discouragement. I’ve asked her to come on this podcast to chat with you about discouragement and how to manage it.
More About Valerie
Valerie McKeehan is an artist, educator, and unapologetic flower-lover. She lives just outside Nashville, TN with her husband and two daughters, playing with flowers, pastel dust, and dreams of living—and painting—in the French countryside. She is always playing with beauty, and it is her passion to help you bring your own beauty to this world too—even if you’ve never really believed you could.
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