“The biggest thing in terms of avoiding burnout is so-nothing-time. I don’t even want to call it rest because I think what we do is we categorize everything not work, as rest. And that’s just not true”
I recently saw the results of an industry wide survey that asked about the biggest challenges creators face today.
The result?
Makes sense. It’s been a tumultuous past few years. Last year I experienced the longest season of burnout that I can remember. In this episode, Krista joins me to discuss how to avoid burnout and what to do if you’re already in a season of burnout.
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6:22- What does it look like to rest?
11:43 – How can we set boundaries?
17:08 – What are we doing besides work?
18:48 – Choose a 10% project
21:52 – Davey’s tip for shaking things up!
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