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How to Build Website Traffic Quickly

Brands that Book Show

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There’s one tried and true way of building quick traffic for your website. And that’s thinking through how you can leverage other people’s audiences… if you don’t have an audience, you can build an audience, which takes time—or you can go to places where others have an audience that you can already get in front of”

Find it Quickly

4:40 – Consistently show up online
6:10 – Repurpose your content
7:22 – Leverage other people’s audiences
9:05 – Collaborations with other businesses
17:45 – Best methods for your business
19:11 – How to ask for a collaboration

If you have a new website, it can take some time to build consistently high traffic to your website. We typically recommend that people focus on creating high quality content that covers topics in their niche.

Content creation, however, takes time. It can also take time for Google and other search engines to start trusting a new website and for a website to build the authority it needs to consistently rank well in Google.

So what can people do in the meantime?

Leverage other people’s audiences.

If you don’t have an audience, you need to go to places where there is an audience. This broadly means doing two things:

  1. Creating a presence where audiences are aggregated such as social media platforms. Short of “going viral,” this method can also take time. It is, of course, still worth it in the long run as effectively run social media accounts can help build brand trust.
  2. Leveraging specific businesses’ or individual’s audience. This can be a much QUICKER way to get traffic to your website.

Just take a look at the increase in traffic to the Farm Fed Box website after implementing an affiliate program…

So, how do you do it?

How to Leverage other People’s Audiences for Increased Website Traffic

There are all sorts of ways to leverage other people’s audiences. The best way to start brainstorming for your business is to think through who in your industry might be served well by your content.

For instance, if you sell a sleep program teaching parents how to get their toddlers to sleep through the night, you might want to collaborate with a business that sells a course on how to introduce children to solid food. Both businesses serve the same demographic, but don’t directly compete.

It’s a win-win.

If you start by thinking through how you can serve another business well, it will be much more likely that whoever you’re trying to collaborate with will say “yes” to your request. People can tell when you’re just in it for yourself.

Here are a few different ways you can build website traffic quickly by leveraging other people’s audiences:

  • Collaborations: These take many different forms, and most of the examples below are types of collaborations.
  • Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing will not only get you in front of someone else’s audience, but it also helps to build trust quickly. When someone you trusts recommends something, you’re more likely to trust it.
  • Podcasts: We frequently hear that people have found us through our podcast and the podcasts that we’ve been featured on. While podcasting as been around for a while, there are still far fewer podcasts than blogs.
  • Guest posting: Guest posting on someone else’s blog not only has the potential to drive considerable traffic, but it is also an effective way to build links back to your website, which is good for search engine optimization.
  • Social media takeovers: We’re not huge fans of takeovers (we haven’t found they generate as much traffic as some of these other tips), but there is potential here when done well.
  • Giveaways: Sometimes the best way to get people to trust you is to give them a taste of what you have to offer. Giveaways make for great collaborations!
  • Digital Advertising: The downside of advertising is that it typically costs money. However, it is an effective way to guarantee that you’ll get in front of a lot of people quickly.
  • Kind gesture content and posts: This is one of my favorite strategies. If you haven’t built enough trust with others for them to collaborate with you, you can still post kind things about their products or services. When people see that you have recommended them without expecting anything in return, they’re more likely to reciprocate your generosity. This might mean they re-share your post or content, and maybe they will eventually agree to collaborate. We talk more about this strategy on the podcast!
  • Affiliate program: As the graph above demonstrates, giving people incentive to share about your product or service can result in big boosts to traffic!

What is the best way to increase website traffic quickly?

Any of the above tips can provide a big boost in traffic. What strategy you pursue will likely depend on your product or service, personality, and how much trust you’ve built with others in your industry.

If you are brand new, kind gesture posts and content can go a long way in building trust with others. If you already have built a few relationships, focusing on more organized collaborations is likely the way to go!

Simply put: If you don’t have an audience, go to the places where there is an audience. This, of course, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t continue to focus on long term efforts like content creation, search engine optimization, and building social media accounts. Those things combined with podcast interviews, giveaways, and other collaborations will help you build consistently high website traffic over the long term.

Save it for later…

In this Episode


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