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BTB Episode 91: Building Systems into Your Business

Brands that Book Show

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Dawn from Tech Savvy Creative

"The best tool that you can use is one that you're actually going to use every day. But if you don't use it and just have it because you feel like you need, that's not a great use of your resources, money or time."

Brands that Book with Davey & Krista Jones

Episode 93: Balancing Business and Creativity

Episode 93: Balancing Business and Creativity


      In this episode of Brands that Book, Dawn from Tech Savvy Creative and I chat about building systems into your business. Dawn provides a really helpful framework for getting started with business tools, that’s especially helpful if tech is something that generally overwhelms you.

      We also spend a good amount of time chatting about some of our favorite business tools, which was the part of the conversation I really enjoyed.

          More about Dawn

          I’m a software engineer turned wedding photographer who fell in love with photography from a technical side. While I might not be developing web apps anymore, I’ve found that my technical experience has been a huge advantage in building my six-figure photography business. I also learned along the way that the majority of creatives are downright terrified of the “tech” in their business. Important things like backups, automations, using tools and software effectively, computer and device maintenance and so much more are simply pushed to the back burner. At Tech Savvy Creative, my mission is to take those not-so-sexy topics and give creatives an easy to understand, step-by-step resource that allows them to confidently tackle their tech!

          Aside from running Tech Savvy Creative and shooting 30 weddings a year, I am a Mama to 10 month old Kendall Grace and a Wife to Andrew. I LOVE building my businesses (strong Enneagram 3 here!), but when I’m not working you can find me at Crossfit, searching for the best Margarita in San Antonio, or watching some terrible reality TV!

          Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

          3:15 – Dawn’s story
          6:20 – How her background impacted her systems and automations
          7:28 – Advice for choosing different platforms
          11:15 – Why to invest in a specific system instead of doing it yourself
          15:21 – Where to get started with systems
          19:54 – Tip: start with a CRM
          23:47 – Recommended task management systems
          24:33 – What Dawn likes about ClickUp over Asana
          27:04 – Recommendations for websites
          29:17 – What Zapier is and how to use it
          32:12 – Dawn’s system for building automation/system for others





















          In this Episode

          17 Hats
          Automations 101
































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            After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

            We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

            We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

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