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Flodesk Checkouts: Everything You Need to Know + Our Top 3 Tips

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This summer, Flodesk released a new beta feature called Flodesk Checkouts. It’s designed to simplify the selling process, keeping everything you need to sell in one centralized location.

We got early access to the new tool, and we’ve already created a demo sales page. It took Krista less than an hour to get the page up-and-running using Flodesk Checkouts (note: the page is only a demo—Designer Touch Sessions are currently closed, but you can join the waitlist here.).

How Do You Access Checkout?

Flodesk Checkout became available to Beta testers on August 1st, and more complete beta access will be made available around September 13th. When it’s accessible to you, you’ll see Checkouts listed at the top of your Flodesk alongside the other main features. 

How Does Flodesk Checkout Work?

Flodesk Checkout allows you to create a sales page, checkout, and delivery message all in one location. 

When you select the Checkouts tab, you’re taken to a page that holds your current checkouts and allows you to create new ones, similar to the page for your emails.

When you select the option to create a new checkout, several template options come up so you can choose a design based on what you’re selling. 

Select your category, and Flodesk takes you to your sales page. 

The sales pages are extensive. We really appreciate how they’re set up as somewhat of a guide for what your sales page should include; this can prove to be valuable for people who aren’t familiar with website design. Take a look at some of the blocks included on this sales page.

Templates like these take a lot of the guesswork and uncertainty out of building your sales page. While you don’t have the ability to build your page from scratch, most Flodesk users would agree that the availability of these well-designed templates is one of the major draws of Flodesk. In addition, you can add, remove, and edit any of the blocks as you like. Being able to build an attractive landing page in minutes is a major win in our books. 

The checkout page is also customizable and starts out looking something like this.

You also have the ability to automatically place customers into segments based on their purchases.

Of course, you’ve got the ability to completely edit product details. You can also include an upsell as well as a testimonial. 

The final section of the new Flodesk Checkout feature is the Delivery page. It includes an order summary, along with additional blocks like download instructions, an additional upsell option, and a bonus offer. You can customize the colors of this page to match your branding.

Once the Delivery page is designed, your Checkout is complete and ready to publish! Like the Flodesk email templates, the Checkouts are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, so they should look great whether your customers are on their laptops or cellphones. 

Who Is Flodesk Checkout For?

Flodesk was designed for creatives with a time crunch: it emphasizes beautiful design and efficient use.

Flodesk Checkout is the same. It’s perfect for solopreneurs and small-scale entrepreneurs, people who want an easy way to market their offers without investing in the professional services often needed to design a sales funnel. If you’re already familiar with using Flodesk for emails, the Checkout feature will be simple to master. 

The template designs currently offer three categories: 

  • digital product
  • education
  • service

This makes it pretty easy to see if Checkout is the right fit for your offer. At this point, it’s focused on digital products and services more than physical, but that could change in the future. 

Are There Any Downsides?

Let’s be clear– Flodesk Checkout just launched, and as it’s still in Beta mode, we fully expect it to evolve with time. That being said, there are a few quirks we noticed.

No customized URLs. Right now, the URLs associated with a checkout are randomly created, so you don’t have the option to customize. Thanks to hyperlinks, there’s a low chance this will ever be an issue, but it’s worth mentioning. 

Few payment options. Flodesk integrates with Stripe, but not with any other options like PayPal or Apple Pay. You can utilize coupons and sales, but no payment plans or recurring subscriptions. 

No Pixel Integration. There’s currently no way to directly integrate a tracking pixel like the Facebook pixel. This is on their radar.

In addition, the templated formats could be an issue for people with more advanced web design skills who want the ability to change every aspect of their landing page.

Tips for Successfully Using Flodesk Checkout

  1. Keep your pages on brand. The Checkout pages allow you to customize the color options, so be sure to modify those to your brand colors for greater consistency. 
  1. Include compelling copy + clear images. While the available templates mean that you can design a Flodesk Checkout almost instantly, you still need to invest time in writing the copy on the page. Bland copy and a lack of images can dissuade many from completing their purchase. We’ve got a few tips for creating a landing page that converts right here. 
  1. Segment your customers. You can add customers to segments based on their actions, putting them in as many as three different segments when they opt in to weekly emails, purchase your offer, and purchase your upsell. Don’t miss the additional opportunity for marketing!

Beta access for Flodesk Checkout starts around September 13—so be on the lookout for this incredible new feature!

Find it Quickly (In the Episode):

0:00 Intro
4:17 Flodesk in Portugal, Paris, Germany, Lisbon, etc
6:00 Remote-first benefits
9:00 August in Europe
11:10 Flodesk Checkouts
11:37 Flodesk was created for small businesses
13:45 Break in flow to third-party website
15:18 Emails are the best converting sales channel
15:50 Launch a business without a website using Flodesk
17:21 Flodesk designs beautiful email templates
17:54 Many problems lie behind the work for launching a website
18:20 Flodesk checkouts is in early Alpha access stage
18:45 Releasing in Beta on September 13
19:19 Tips for making it effective
19:49 Flodesk provides bumpers
22:10 Success of Flodesk
22:52 Viral loop to create more Flodesk users
23:20 Customer-first approach
25:02 Remove barriers to support small businesses
25:16 Flodesk checkouts + current subscription or add on
26:38 Incentive to bundle during Beta
28:16 Customers showing creativity through Flodesk products
30:44 Lessons learned along the way
32:15 Mental health
34:01 Time off
35:40 Humility

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Flodesk Checkouts
Crisp Chat
Designer’s Touch
BTB Episode 81: Flodesk and the Importance of Putting Your Customer First

Flodesk Checkouts - How to Use them & 3 Tips | Davey & Krista

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    Meet Davey & Krista

    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

    We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

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