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Embedding Kit Forms on Showit


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Add Kit forms to your Showit website in a few easy steps.

This video demonstrates how to embed a Kit mailing list form on your Showit website so that it pulls in the styles of your existing template.

We also add notes under the video in case of any small updates that don’t require a new video. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions, or if we need to make an update to the video. You can also find a video transcript underneath the video.

Related: Kit vs. Flodesk – Which email platform is better?

Adding a Kit form to your Showit website

  1. Login to your Kit account.
  2. Select Form > Simple Form.
  3. Add/edit any necessary form fields. In the Style area, we usually make sure the form is “naked” so it doesn’t have as many Kit styles.
  4. Go to Embed and select either the Raw HTML or the Javascript. We recommend grabbing the JavaScript.
  5. In your Showit account, find/create the embed code box where your form will live on your website, and paste in the code from Kit.

Be sure to checkout the video above for clarification. If you have questions about the video or think we need to update the video, please let us know in the comments below.

Video Transcript:

Hey guys, Krista here from where we help creative business owners build brands that book. In this video we’re going to walk you through embedding a Kit mailing list form on a Showit website. Alright, so to get started we’re going to head over to Kit and we’re going to create a new form. We’re going to select “form” and we’re going to start with this simple form. So this first page would give you the options to adjust the labels on the fields, but we’re going to head over to the settings page and to the embed area. So there are a few different options. I typically embed either the Raw HTML or I embed the Javascript and the Javascript is really clean and it’s easy to grab. The only times that I really feel like I need the HTML is if I’m going to come in and adjust the CSS or the actual form labels itself.

And so if you know how to code and you want to get fancy with things like that’s a great option for you. But if you want something more simple, it’s easy to just grab this form right here. You can also set some of the styles for your form. I’m in this style section right here, and I usually make sure that my form is naked so that it doesn’t have as many styles from Kit. And then you can also add more CSS options right here. So back to embed: I’m going to copy this code and then we’re going to head over to Showit and I’m going to scroll down and I’m going to have a new canvas and then we’ll come down to this option right here, and look for the embed code and then we’ll come up to the right and click on this embed info.

And then right here, all you have to do is paste in your code and save. And there’s your form! Depending on the template that you’re using and the form that you’re embedding, the styles that you see in the Showit editor might look different when you actually launch your site or hit preview. So if you scroll down here, you can see that my template has a few built-in styles right here to make it a different font. And so that’s just something to keep in mind as you’re embedding your form. So that’s it for embedding a form from Kit. If you liked this video, make sure you subscribe to our Youtube channel. And if you have any questions about this video, let us know in the comments. You can also request a tutorial by using the form on our website over at

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    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

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