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4 Tips for Higher Converting Copy

Brands that Book Show, Build Your Website & Brand

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Interview with Jess Jordana

“Repetition is the pro move…”

Today’s guest is copywriter Jessica Jordana, and she’s here to share her thoughts on artificial intelligence and what she thinks it means for business owners, things she wish people knew about copywriting, and 4 tips for higher converting copy.

Brands that Book with Davey & Krista Jones

Episode 184 - 4 Tips for Higher Converting Copy (w/ Jess Jordana)

Episode 184 - 4 Tips for Higher Converting Copy (w/ Jess Jordana)


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      Jess Jordana is a copywriter (a.k.a. heart translator) who helps creative business owners turn their passion into words people actually “get.” She runs Jess, XO, a copywriting agency for creative entrepreneurs and is the founder of The Promptlate® Shop. She drinks iced coffee all year round, and firmly believes if date night isn’t tacos, you’re doing it wrong. She couldn’t do a day in business without her cute hubs (Presley), her brand new baby girl (Parker Jane), and her doodle pup (Joey Tribbiani). She’s worked with solopreneurs to organizations and businesses like The Rising Tide Society, The GUIDE Culture, CEO School, The Social Bungalow, and Davey and Krista (wink, wink). She’s a brand new mama and is so grateful to be able to navigate what building (and re-building) her dream business can look like in balance with building her dream life.

      Find it quickly here (in the podcast):

      0:00 Intro
      05:22 AI has the capacity to reason on our behalf
      09:17 With regards to ChatGPT, what you get out out of it, is only as good as what you put into it
      13:43 ChatGPT can be used to generate ideas but it’s essential to be able to cultivate what makes it a good idea for you
      19:57 A copywriters job is getting people to trust you and then to take action
      20:52 Conversion needs to happen consistently and holistically if we want the point of sale conversion to be strong
      22:12 What are some things you wish clients knew about copywriters?
      22:24 Repetition is the pro move it’s not a copout
      24:35 Consistency builds trust
      25:26 Connection is the conversion long game
      26:15 Copy, at the point of conversion, is not necessarily going to save a business
      28:28 It’s not realistic, for most businesses, to hire a copywriter for everything you need copy for
      29:09 What would you recommend for people building basic copywriting skills on their own?
      29:58 Tip #1: Learn how to manage your brain
      32:45 Tip #2: Learn how to sound like yourself
      34:11 Tip #3: Have a list of your offers, what they are and who they’re for, with small tidbits for each offer
      35:44 What are your 4 best tips for copywriting?
      35:58 Tip #1: Have a goal in mind
      37:14 Tip #2: Cultivate action before the sale
      40:55 Tip #3: Focus less on saying it differently and more on meeting your ideal client in the moment
      43:04 Tip #4: Ask clearly and remind them of the reason

      Previous Episodes with Jess Jordana

      BTB Episode 122: Writing Sales Pages that Sell
      BTB Episode 66: 5 Tips for Writing Website Copy Quickly
      BTB Episode 121: Tips for Creating an Engaged Email List

      Resources from the podcast:

      3 video series on how to find your brand voice
      Jasper AI
      Dave Ramsey
      Promptlate Shop
      Jess Jordana
      10 things I’m afraid to tell copywriters

      4 Tips for Higher Converting Copy - Jessica Jordana | Davey & Krista

      In this Episode


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      1. Cody M. says:

        I’ve always struggled with copy. I never did want to use ai or anything but I’ve been diving into youtube and podcasts. I feel like I’m slowly getting there. Thanks so much for this podcast! Definitely helping me get closer to where I need to be!

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        After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

        We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

        We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

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