Sleep consultant Becca Campbell of Little Z Sleep shares how she scaled her business through creating online course.

Today we are chatting with sleep consultant Becca Campbell of Little Z Sleep. Becca helps parents get sleep through teaching them how to train their babies how to sleep through the night.
While we do find some time to chat about some sleep training tips (and Krista and my current struggle in moving Jack from 2 naps to 1 nap), we spend much of the episode learning how she built her business, and we chat about how she moved from 1:1 service model to a 1:many online course model. We cover how she used her 1:1 experience, what steps she took before creating her online course, and how through creating online courses she’s able to better serve her clients.
More about Becca:
I’m Becca Campbell, wife to Chad, mom to Ellie & Hattie and Pediatric Sleep Consultant at Little Z’s Sleep! I teach tired parents how to get their babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to sleep all night long. Through online sleep training courses and personal coaching, I’ve helped thousands of families around the world make sleep a thing in their home!
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