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Moo Luxe Business Cards

Build Your Website & Brand

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With the launch of this new site, we figured it was about time we designed new business cards & note cards for ourselves. Our other cards are about four years old and while we still love the design, they point people to our photography site. We knew we wanted thick cards that make an impression, but we didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on letterpress cards.

After a lot of searching, we decided to order the Luxe Business Cards from Moo. We love that Moo allows you to order smaller quantities of cards and with the Labor Day sale they were running, we paid just over $100 for 100 business cards and 20 matching notecards. Other printers would have charged SO much more for custom thick stock cards with several colors and black edges. The cards also arrived incredibly quickly!

We also ordered a custom wax seal for ourselves from a shop on Etsy. When we designed the notecards, we knew we would finish the design with the palm tree seal. We love the unexpected texture it adds to the cards. If only my college graphic design teacher had known that the symbol I designed as a junior would still be in use ten years later! 

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    Meet Davey & Krista

    After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

    We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

    We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

    we're Davey & Krista 



    Over a decade of design experience has helped us craft the perfect questionnaire to kick off the design process in a way that makes clients feel understood and valued.

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