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After talking to me since high school about sales skills I said, "I am ready to learn". And he said, "You have to go all in. You have to put away whatever you're learning, whoever you're listening to, just put it away and just focus."

Today we are chatting about sales with Macy McNeely of Guide Culture.

Selling can sometimes feel like the hardest part of running a business, but it’s obviously so crucial to one’s success. A mistake that we often see people make is moving in circles around the sale. What I mean by that is people often avoid selling by convincing themselves that if they do certain things, like just add value, that people will buy.

Brands that Book with Davey & Krista Jones

Episode 201 - How to Sell without Being Sleazy

Episode 201 - How to Sell without Being Sleazy


      We’ve definitely fallen into those traps ourselves, especially when we first started our business, and sometimes even now have to ask ourselves, are we actually talking about our products or services? We get it, selling can feel awkward at times and many have this idea that selling is, you know, sort of sleazy.

      Macy makes a good argument that selling isn’t only a business skill, but a life skill, too, and when done in the right way, can have a positive impact on your world.

      In this episode, Macy breaks down a number of myths around sales like “adding value will make people want to buy from you” or “you can just share your life and sales will come” or “I’m already making sales so I don’t need to learn how to sale”.

      Macy and the Guide Culture team, they also have a book out called Persuade for Good, “How to be a person of influence who changes the world one conversation at a time.” So if sales is something you’re interested in, I highly recommend checking that book out after listening to this conversation. It’s a great way to extend the content you hear today and they even do an exclusive webinar for those who purchase the book.

      More about Macy

      Macy is co-CEO and Master Trainer at GUIDE Culture’s School of Sales. Macy believes that sales skills are life skills and when you master sales skills, everything in life is better. She is a UGA grad, and fired up about serving people through School of Sales.

      0:00 Intro
      2:28 How do you manage young children and working?
      5:47 Can you give us the backstory and mission of Guide Culture?
      11:27 How much do you deal with the pushback that people don’t want to be sold to?
      15:14 Myth #1 – You can just share your life and sales will come
      17:59 How do you turn the corner to sell people on a belief?
      21:27 Myth #2 – Adding value will make people want to buy from you
      26:37 Myth #3 – Feeling like you’re a natural born sales person or you’re not
      31:32 What are some things that could be implemented on a sales call?
      35:03 Myth #4 – Why is a formal sales process beneficial?

      In this Episode

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        Meet Davey & Krista

        After building a successful photography business and launching the Rising Tide Society, one of the largest communities for creatives in the world, we decided to make helping creatives build brands that book our full-time gig. 

        We believe in chasing hard after an intentional life—one that includes fulfilling work, palm trees and blue skies, time with our sons Jack & Bennett, and—of course—wine and pizza.

        We’re here to help you as you build a brand that books so you can chase after the life you want.

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        Over a decade of design experience has helped us craft the perfect questionnaire to kick off the design process in a way that makes clients feel understood and valued.


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